Spotlight on HMR Multigrain Hot Cereal

Spotlight on HMR Multigrain Hot Cereal

When you're trying to lose weight or eat healthier, following a structured meal plan like the HMR diet for weight loss, can make it a lot easier. But that same helpful structure can sometimes leave...
4 Things to Do Before You Start the HMR Program

4 Things to Do Before You Start the HMR Program

You did it - you're here! You've made the commitment to yourself and we're so glad you did. Now what? Before you can get off to a quick start on the program, there are a...
Spotlight on HMR Creamy Chicken Soup

Spotlight on HMR Creamy Chicken Soup

When you're looking to keep the calories low but add new flavors to your diet, adding the HMR Creamy Chicken Soup to your plan is the perfect way to enhance your meals! It's easy to...
Your Guide to Getting a Quick Start

Your Guide to Getting a Quick Start

Want to know exactly what you need to do as you start this program? Of course you do! Once you know the 4 things to do before you start the HMR Program, dive into the Quick...
Why Meal Replacements Work

Why Meal Replacements Work

Fewer people than ever prepare their own meals at home. And in our busy lives, who can blame us? But let's consider the consequence of convenience. One study concluded that the average restaurant meal in...
Your 3+2+5 Diet Plan Explained

Your 3+2+5 Diet Plan Explained

HMR's simple plan of 3 shakes + 2 entrees + 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day = quick, effective weight loss. Better yet, you can lose weight without ever having to feel hungry...
More Really is Better

More Really is Better

HMR's More is Better approach allows you to eat as much of the foods on the plan as you need to stay full and on track. Eating more is not usually associated with weight loss—in...
Win the Hunger Games with these 4 Program Mantras

Win the Hunger Games with these 4 Program Mantras

One of the top reasons people break a diet? HUNGER. Avoiding hunger is crucial on any weight-loss program. That's why having lots of food and preparation strategies is key. When you have lots of ways...
Lose More Weight with an HMR Coach

Lose More Weight with an HMR Coach

Discover the difference it makes to work with an HMR Coach. Not sure if a coach is right for you? Learn more about HMR coaching, from what it is and how it works to how...